Facebok.com, a typo address, is currently squatting the traffic and redirecting you to a quite dodgy site facebook.com-socialnetwork.com/prize/ - beware!
Once you click on "Claim Gift" - you will end up on pixeltrack66.com which in fact is going to mundomedia.com...
What a mess indeed.
Short link: http://➸.ws/~NWM1$48
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5 users responded in this post
My facebook account has been temprarily unavailable for almost a week,please!!!help me to log it in. (Isa U Umar).
My facebook account has been temprarily unavailable for almost a week,please!!!help me to log it in.
Isa, this page can be helpful: http://facebook.of-cour.se/blocked-account-decision-final/
FaceMash was changed hands… last time for $30k… http://brief.ly/2u6/
More hands to come.
Similarly http://www.facebook.com.out.redoriginproxy.com/pages/TypePad/5739054247 is trying to pretend it is http://www.facebook.com/pages/TypePad/5739054247
Certainly a site to avoid!
Facebook should enforce by now SSL!
Here is the screenshot: http://facebook.of-cour.se/files/2011/01/redoriginproxy.com-scam.png