What would you do a nice sunny afternoon after discovering that one of your 2000+ connections on Facebook is arrested by FBI?
I never met Anna Chapman in real life, neither had we any kind of communication. And yet, by the time I checked her profiles we had four "common friends", all high profile individuals from Eastern Europe, some pretty wealthy ones.
Was she spying on us as well? Was she really the girl from the news?
Taking a pro-active stand in [virtual] social life and Ukrainian politics I contribute to numerous online projects and consequentially receive 100+ "friend requests" every week. Then Facebook and friends suggests me tonnes of other "people you might know".
Some of them I accept, given the person's profile looks interesting - the practice I should probably drop in the future, or rather abstain from using Facebook at all. Or maybe I just forget about the whole spy game and live my usual life. A tough call indeed... You tell me your thoughts in the comments below.
It is surely time to reconsider my Facebook policies and find a day for profile clean-up.
And what a nice surprise it was to see few tabloid journalists calling today and enquiring about the relationship to the alleged Russian spy. What would you tell them, would a story like this do?
Facebook should introduce "Kill a Russian spy" application. One is down. How many more are left?
Indeed, time for Facebook-holidays.
P.S. Beware: K.G.B. is [always] watching you.
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3 users responded in this post
thats ok mark! I would just leave a message “hapman sucks!”. hor her to be cool is not to do some charity in her beloved putin’s russia and to buy few new beds for orphans, but to spy. How exciting, to exchange bags with someone else, or keep a newspaper in a “certain way”;-) ugly…and by the way… news tell that she is very pretty, aga….in Ukraine she would be average
Oh, well, her profile is nearly erased from Facebook. I just wonder why… Looks like someone had a word with the world’s biggest social network.
Once released, she is back on the Facebook, with more privacy though. And the number of “mutual friends” is on the rise again. Facebook is so bloody screwed 😉