As a result of a phishing attack or koobface virus your Facebook account may be forced to go via security password reset.
This is how it looks:
- Step 1 Verify account
- Step 2 Education
- Step 3 Change password
- Step 4 Restore account
For security reasons your account is temporarily unavailable.
This is because some files on your computer may contain a virus. You may have accidentally downloaded an infected file or a friend may have passed one to you through a malicious link.
If you can, please log into Facebook using Internet Explorer and we will help you remove any infected files. You can also run your own security software to remove these harmful programs and then certify that you did so.
I certify that I have run anti-virus software and my computer no longer has any malware.
Please confirm your identity
Security check
To confirm that this is your account, please enter your date of birth.
How you might have been infected
The Koobface virus captures your attention by sending a message that invites you to view a video. When you click the link, you see a website like the one shown above.
Instead of displaying the promised video, the website prompts you to download another file. Unfortunately, this file is infected with the virus, which can then spread to your computer and Facebook account.
Please create a new password
To help keep your Facebook account secure in the future, please select a new password. If any of your other online accounts (such as email) use your current Facebook password, you'll want to select a new, unique password for each of those accounts too.
Tips for creating a strong password:* Make your password at least 7 characters long
* Use a mixture of letters, numbers and special characters (e.g. @,#)
* Use both uppercase and lowercase letters
* Don't pick a password that you already use for a different online accountNew password: (required)
Confirm password: (required)
Your account has been restored.
Online safety tips
* Only download files from websites you trust
* Keep your security software up-to-dateDownload a complimentary six-month subscription to McAfee security software.
Take a look at the Facebook security page for more tips to help you keep your Facebook account safe.
Conspiracytheory has it, this is the way for Facebook and McAffee to sell you more copiesof their antiviruses. Surprisingly enough, an up-to-date version of McAffee was running on the machine where this security password reset took place. More to it, Facebook, should run security checks on their servers and not to bother end-users with it.
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Short link: http://➸.ws/~V4B2$2s
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my account disable how do i get in my account on facebook
Try to write to their help stuff. See the story of Larysa: